Sunday, December 31, 2017

Maudsley Outdoor Sculptures With a Few Thoughts to the New Year

Maudsley Outdoor Sculptures
Ancient Tree Art


Spirit Collector

First resolution listen to more jazz and view more art. 
Surround myself with good friends, and good foods.
Exercise, exercise, and exercise.
No Excuses.
Avoid toxic people. 
Draw, dance, and be happy.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Lesson from a guy about women,s lib.

I remember that day very well. I turned on my ipod to a mix of jazz. Eight hours later, the music was still soothing my soul. It also was the day that Alex Trebek lost his job on Jeopardy.  He asked a contestant who was in the military if her job was harder because she was a woman. Ouch. But, really destroy a person who had a very long career and made  one slightly negative comment. Really? Are we getting oversensitive? Are we turning into a nation of whiners? 

I explored my twenties being a liberated, free, human being. I could do anything a male could do. It might take me longer, but, I did it and do it well. I also killed my back, but, that is a subject that should be somewhere else. 

My dear friend Fred in Maine, taught me about moderation. My friends had just bought and moved into an  antique sort of gothic and victorian house located 1/2 up or down -depending on your direction- one of the the largest hills running through the downtown area of a small town  near Augusta. Cars flew up and down that road, but, I digress. 

 They were working cleaning up their backyard of their new home,  So, I asked Fred what I could do to help. He looked me in the eyes, and said "I have just the job for you." He continued "I will load this wheelbarrow  with theses stones here. You will take the filled wheelbarrow down the garden pathway to where the vegetable garden is going to be. " No problem, I could do that. Why not? I was strong and at the time very physically fit. The reality of the situation was that within one quick yankee minute, I had knocked over the wheelbarrow and spilled all the stones on the ground and may I add that all I did was try to lift  the handles. 

Am I equal to men? Not in physical strength. My mind is far superior to many men's brains. That is where strength counts-it is what you have in your memory system. I learned from Fred, that I was not equal to men. However, I learned from myself that I loved the brain that I have cultured for almost 70 years.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The New England Winter Has Finally Arrived.

Early Winter Light Reflects into Joppa Flat Audubon
Sun Setting Early Winter AT Quill Pond
Wind Mill Sunset AT Tender Crop Farm

As we begin the long winter season, we enter a world of grey in New England. We received day after day of darkness and colorless days. White, grey, cold, dark is what New England winters are like.

But, there is a winter light that artists have accented their pictures with for centuries. One only needs to get outside at sunset to find that special short lived winter color. The color reflects on the frozen ponds, highlights the grey clouds into pinks, purples, and gold.

The winter in New England is the quiet season for me. The lawn movers, air blowers, and loud men in spandex are now inside. It is time for quiet reflection, catching up on history books, and sitting in front of a warm winter fire.

I do miss the flowers, the singing birds, and the way the leaves move and dance with the winds during the other seasons. But, this is my season to rest and reflect on a new year coming, and making new plans, and new dreams.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Flowers from Trader Joes
Flowers from my garden and planters.
Selection from one of my many planters.
Today, I want to celebrate flowers. I started taking macro shots of flowers about 20 years ago. I love to highlight their specials colors, details, and shapes. Each flower has evolved over millions of years to attract their pollinators. They do this with smell, shape and color. It is truly a wonder how they developed into the beautiful species we have today.  

In the summer, I can spend hours watching the hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees frolic in my yard. In the winter, I love to buy flowers to brighten up my kitchen. 

I have said it before, but, I need to repeat myself. Nature is my  religion. It is a simple thought but, one worth repeating.

Our weatherman is predicting our first winter storm this week. Let it snow. I look forward to a long walk in the woods. Happy winter everyone.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Textures of Nature

As I look around my neighborhood, my mind is alerted to shapes, sizes and textures of nature. The diversity in nature is infinitive.
Light touches these textures and highlights curves, bumps, and smoothness of the surfaces. 
Age in nature is also infinitive. How old is a rock? Why do leaves drop off from their trees and begin to feed the soil? How do trees live hundreds of years?
Nature is full of unanswered questions. The best I can do in nature is to observe everything around me.  

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Notes From a Friendly Firefighter.

Never underestimate the need for good fire fighting equipment. Be prepaid. Get ready cause it is a coming. Man up or down but it is coming. It should take years before it comes, but, soon or later it will be here.
Nourish yourself. No one will take better care of yourself but yourself. So get busy. Organize, learn, dream, and get ready. 

Nourish yourself with good food. Don't nourish your self with sugar, syrup or fat.
Nourish yourself with educational activities that nourish your brain.
Get outside and sit up the trees. 
Go to Nature as much of the day as you can spare.
Nourish your soul. Music nourishes my soul and calms my spirit. 
Nourish yourself with good friend that know when to comfort you.
They know when you are hurting. They care that you are hurting.  
Don't be afraid of the daily demons, that will suck your time out -slowly one step at a time. 
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Now is the time to speak up and ask questions. More forward, step, by step but doing it slowly.

Learn from failures. Gain wisdom over time. 

Smile all day long. Never stop smiling. A smile is a beautiful thing. 
Make eye contact with other human beings. Say good morning. 
Connect face to face with people.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Days to Thanksgiving

I woke up this morning looking around for my walking shoes, old walking blues.  Walking Blues by Mr. Robert Johnson is playing on Lead Belly Radio. Nice old, crunchy and true blues. Just people singing about just how hard life is. Woody Gunthrie singing Jesse James. Great music station. I am hidden away in our small office with with two desks, and two chairs. Oh, and one large and noisy paper shredder

Thanksgiving is coming in three days. Trader Joe on Monday was packed to the gills. I spoke to the sweetest 98 year old lady who was following a women around the store. The 98 year old was walking and sitting on her "walker" and her daughter pushed the filled shopping cart. The woman had good posture, beautiful white hair and a very nice laugh. I continued picking up the items on my shopping list. Two aisles away, I ran into these two woman again.  I asked the elder, if she liked hot chocolate. The type of hot chocolate that formed  a putting crust on  top of the hot drink. She said yes, that sounded nice. I asked if she wanted a can of this product and let her know I was willing to walk through the mass of people looking lost as if it were the first time coming to Trader Joes. Yes,  the mob was new to TJ and did not know the edicate.
I dashed back two aisles with my filled cart and ended up in the coffee section and found the product and dashed back to the two ladies. The elder's eyes looked at the time and sound Oh thank you so much, this looks great. Her daughter read the label and said to her mom...that yes, she would enjoy this.
I went back to the elder who had been patiently waiting for me to return. I looked into her soft blue eyes and said " When you have this hot chocolate, think of me and the fun we had today."


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Changing of the Seasons

Changing of the seasons. As we enter the quiet winter season, I had to think back about this summer, my back and my arthritis. This summer I was extremely limited in my activities because I was in pain, I was fearful of being in pain, and I wanted to avoid any pain.
What is wrong with me. Why has pain tried to take over my active life style.  Why am I afraid to venture forward and confront my fears.
I must go into the afternoon light and enjoy the world around me. Walk in the woods once deer hunting season has past. Go into the sun shine and laugh out loud. Smile the marsh, listen to the ocean, watch the birds. Take command of your fears daily. Be strong and be happy.

Open up the artistic side of your brain. Fill it with sunshine. Listen to music. Find joy in small things around you. 

Be silly, be goofy, be original, be the women you have become. Have no fears little sister. You are in good hands.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Positive Thoughts Going into the Colorful Fall Season

Fall Colors are starting in my favorite marsh.

Love fresh products from the wonderful farmer's market. Plus my two home grown Habineros. 

Maudsley State Park Yearly Outdoor Sculpture Event.

Walking through Dog Town, Gloucester. MA
1. Don't be excited when roasting home grown habinero peppers  and clean out seeds with your bare hands and eat a huge chunk. Oiy....burning for days in eyes, nose, mouth etc.
2. Loving a friend who is the ying to my yang is possible at a good long distance.
3. Don't look into a mirror, or even worse...don't take a close up selfie and expect to see a 20 year old woman.
4. Good "diabetic" inserts into old hiking boots are priceless.
5. Laugh each day at yourself, love your partners, and be kind.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sir Ernest Shackleton got it wrong.

Below, is  the quote of Ernest Shackleton at the time when he reached South,  Antarctica.

     "We had pierced the veneer of outside things...         

  We had reached the naked soul of man."

Sir Ernest Shackleton

   He was wrong, way wrong.

Instead he should have said:

 "We had reached the naked soul of mother nature!"

Just saying....

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Hanging baskets above my kitchen sink.

Today is My 14th, 2017 and it is Mother's Day. I loved my mother, Evelyn. It was because she could feel when I was in mental conflict. She felt my pain and was always there to hug me and let me cry my eyes out.

I have never been a mother myself. I wanted a baby back in my 20s when I was single and all my friends were married and had children. But, instead I became active investigating my heart, soul, and mind. I am still investigating who I am, what I do, and why I do it.

We are having a Nor'Easter rainstorm today. Windy, damp, cold and just plain a bad spring day.
A good day for a long hot oatmeal bath, and time to unwind. Then on to reading a good book.

Home made card made during an art exhibit about Space at the Exeter Phillips Academy.

Late this afternoon, I will make a pot of steaming hot tea using 1/2 Russian caravan tea and /1/2 Oolong tea. A nice smoky flavor to warm me from the inside to the outside.

We will visit my 94 year old mother in law (or as she says MIL) and wish her well. We will bring our home made card and flowers.

Happy Mothers Day

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Quiet Sunday Morning at home

A quiet Sunday morning at home.

I must thank our new President Trump. Once, he came to power in January 2017,  I had pledged to myself that each day after I do my morning exercises, I would finish off with a Meditation Session. I was feeling very sad, confused, and powerless. I was also fearful of the changes that he threatened to make.  So each morning, after I completed my exercise, I lit  a candle and  I meditated. The first session was ten minutes long. I am now up to about 50 minutes. I so enjoy these moments of stillness and quiet.

Sometimes, when I am meditating, my husband is banging a board in the basement, or the cat is playing & yelping with her favorite ball. I hear the noise, but, I tune it out and go back to the meditation.

My kitchen bell wakes me up at the desired time, and I am refreshed. The cob webs of my mind been cleaned up.

So, thank you Mr. Trump. I can safely say that this will be the only time that I will give you any positive recognition of your position.

"What Does It Mean to You Be a Global Citizen?"

Children re-creating crossing the dangerous trip of five days across mountains on foot to get to the border and often means going without food. These children understood what they were re-creating and once on stage became very serious.

This 11 year old girl was first asked about her life in Syrian. She added her friends, and  her jump rope. Then she was asked why she was in the camp, instead of her home country, and she drew the bombs.

Currently, my favorite travel magazine is  AFAR.  The magazine was started by founders Greg Sullivan & Joe Diaz. The magazine asks questions of its readers like "What does it mean to you to be a global citizen?"

In the March/April 2017 magazine, they feature the Dreamscapes from Patrick Willocq. Quoting from Afar:

"Through his series of theatrical photographs he gives a voice to refugee children from Burundi and Syria. While on assignment for Save the Children in Tanzania and Lebanon, he spent five days in
refuge camps playing with the kids, coloring and talking about their life in the camps, their lives back
home, and their dreams for the future. then , Willocq and his team returned to each settlement for a 12-day stints. They then build sets depicting  scenes from these conversations, using prop's made from bought and salvaged supplies. We were actually listening to their stories and doing something  with them, which was a big deal for the kids, The hope is that this project puts the attention of policy makers back on the refugee crisis."

This brings tears to my eyes. Helping these children communicate through the media of art is pure genius. It allows them to work out the horror of the events they have been through.

I applaud Afar Magazine, Greg Sullivan, Patrick Willocq and of course, Save the Children.  How easy it is to forget what these refuges are going through. These victims of war need our help. The magazine has opened my mind to "What it means to me to be a global citizen." I hope that people who read my blog will ask themselves the same question.

The time for action is now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"Harmony, Charity, and Peace."

Little River, Newbury, MA

Deep comfort of the Earth below you,
Vast joy of the Heavens above you,
Great peace of the Infinite within you.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

"There Are No Facts Anymore."

Happy New Year

My thoughts are running like silent snow flakes from the sky.

The quote on my title page is from the comic (and I use this term loosely) Stephen Colburn who is interviewed annually  at Christmas time by John Dickerson on Meet  The Nation. 

Of course, the quote is about our incoming President Trump, who will become head of the state in less than two weeks.

After the interview, I started writing "There Are No Fact Any More" on a sheet of paper and continued rewriting the same quote over and over again. It was a compulsive act on my part. May be it was a stress releaser. If it was a stress relieve it failed because this morning,  as I sit at my desk waiting for a big snow storm to arrive, I kept re-reading this phrase. It rings so true in my mind.

There are not facts anymore.

People hear sound bits and believe these sound bits are the truth. If they are spoken on TV - they must be the truth. If they are Tweeted around the world - they must be the truth.

No fact checkers need to apply for the truth patrol as it has been eliminated.

I opened a small book on the Teaching of Zen edited by Thomas Cleary which was given to me by a dear friend. I randomly opened the book to the quote below:

"Truth and Words"

"There is originally no word for truth, but the way to it is reveled by words. The way originally has no explanation, but reality is made clear by explanation. That is why the Buddhas appeared in the world with many expedient methods; the whole canon dispenses medicines according to diseases."

Shih-shuang (986-1039)

The more the world changes, the less it changes. We never learn.