Thursday, January 30, 2025

I always dreamt that I would become a teacher

I bet I would have been a great teacher. My disabilities  were a problem and they prevented me from going to a 4 year college. I could not spell, my writing was all over the place, and comprehension was minimal. Other than that I was fine.

My older sister became a teacher. She only had one year of teaching experience in Cambridge, MA.  She was sick and married after that.   But, she continued to teach elementary students from poor Washington ,DC ' s neighborhoods. She trained herself to be an art docent for the National Gallery of Art. jShe called this her job and she studied art and interpreted art to these children. They loved, and she loved them. I went on a few of her tours and she was fabulous. She was a docent up to the end of her disease and finally her death.  She engaged this children and open a wide door into the beauty, historical and fabulous art.

I read mostly non fiction books these days. I love history and I would have made a dandy teacher. But, that was not to be my living. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

I know it has a while ....


It has been a while. I have busy.

 Busy with watercolor painting, busy with walking, busy with art journal, and busy with Pam.

I love the feeling one gets when I paint. Free, liberated and clear mind. Very creative. It is hard and one needs to concentrate. But I really am happy while I create.

Walking in the cold weather is invigorating, and fresh, just fresh.

Pam is still on Pregnazone and with that medication  comes some madness, extra drinking, speed talking  and self centered actions.  Doctor visit on the 28 of this month will chart her new course of treatment.

Quill Pond is frozen and the hockey players are back having fun.