It makes me mad when I hear intelligent people, repeat really stupid information.
Have we become a super stupid nation of people who only read Facebook on the internet. Do they ever read a good book, discuss art, and beauty? I do not think so.
They are missing so much beauty in life. Beauty in the little things around them. A Flower, a smile, or even a small bird flying around the neighborhood. They are so advanced internalizing their thoughts of others, and not processing their own thoughts, cares, and values.
Life is short. Life is too short to cut oneself off from knowledge, information and education.
People todays, are busy publicizing their deeds, life and actives. All very mundane information that is dull, respective and unimportant. Do they realize how boring this information is. Its all about me, me and me.
Aren't I wonderful. What ever happened to caring about your neighbor, a hungry person, or just a very sad person. Get out of your shell and look around you. Care about people not things. Care about helping people. Life is not about just you. There are millions of us around this planet who need help and caring.
I woke up grumpy this morning.