Friday, June 25, 2021

Self Healing, Soft Rain and Joys of Sleep

 Just passed the three week mark since I got my new left knee. There is a new calmness in my soul now.

I am deep in self healing. Working my knee, taking naps, sun lotion on my incision. All good things.

All things that are new to me. I was a rookie at the hospital, and I am a rookie at home.  Never gone through this before. But, still the process of healing, well self healing is very liberating. Self love, self care, and self kindness are all wonderful products of a new knee.

Self love, self kindness, self respect  and self healing are winning combinations to healing. It also puts a smile on my face, heart and soul. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

In Recovery Mode....oh happy days.

Oh Joy Flowers

Before and After

Every Day My New knee becomes more naked and explosed.

I have not blogged since the end of May. June 1, 2021 Dr. Matteous replaced my arthritic left knee...totally. All new and all good.  Since that day, I fight for a good night sleep, use my Nice Ice Machine ...ahhh, and exercise. I am reading a lot of good non fiction books,  eating too many cookies and ice cream deserts. I am getting stronger, and working very hard at getting stronger. My progress is pretty amazing. This leg was shooting iron electric stabs from my dead, bone on bone knee cap. No warning of the pain, just pure electric shocks all day and night. What a relief this new knee is. This new knee works like a fabulous knee. We are a team, again. I am so happy to be back in the loop of my life. Stronger every day,  smiling all the way to recovery.