July is almost over. Big bug season is gone. How fast the summer goes. The warm sand under my feet, the thrill of Air Conditioning, and deep blue skies. There are no outdoor baseball games his summer. There is no Yankee Homecoming this week. The Topsfield Fair has cancelled its 2020 fair. All casualties caused by the Great Pandemic of 2020, the Covid 19 Virus, and many illnesses and deaths.
I wear my mask. I avoid crowds. I shop only at safe, well organized stores and I only have driven my car less than ten times this summer. There is no where to go. Nothing to do. Stay home, and I stay home and garden, read books, do jigsaw puzzles, watch baby birds in our yard, and relax. That is my schedule.
Walking to white bridge this July, I celebrate the many colors of green plants. The light color of green in the spring, the shiny vibrant color of poison ivy, and deep green of the leaves of mature trees.Green is such a warm and relaxing color.
White Bridge is my favorite neighborhood walk this time of year. The Great Marsh is filled with birds, smells of hay, and my skin warms to the touch of the sun. The tides come into Little River, and rush out at after high tide is over. The water's colors change during the in tides. Always moving the water sings out to me. How can one place be so tranquill, so beautiful and so close to my house. I love my neighborhood. Sure we have tons of bugs, deer, and bunnies in our yard. They eat expensive plants and love our hostas. But, I would not change thing about where I live. It suits my personality.
It gives me strength, peace, and much wisdom.