Yesterday, we paid our final payment on our France Riverboat Cruise. We booked our September Riverboat Cruise, when we had to face the facts that the May 2020 cruise was not happening. Once final payment is given, cruise is nonrefundable. So, we may or may not be able to go. But, we decided not to put our cruise off until 2021. Oh, that possibility was not acceptable to us.
The air fare was changed already and hoping against all odds that Norwegian Air does not go bankrupt. The last few scares of their end, was relieved by government funding.
This trip, this Corona Pandemic, my nerves are all on alert. Please give us a window of opportunity.
We wear our masks, stay home 95% of the time, and yet, we are betting on flying overseas, getting on a boat, and having a happy time.
If those worries were enough, our President is out of his mind and willing to do anything to get reelected.
Breathe, breathe...I tell myself. This is not the end of the world. Why does it feel so scary? Well in reality it may be the end of the country as we know it.
What better time to go on vacation.