Thursday, October 25, 2018

Frigging Full Moon .....and New Year Resolution

Full Moon time again. House filled with shadows. The moonlight streams into my conscience and plays havoc with my thoughts, jumps the nerves in my legs and keeps me awake.  The moonbeams dance  around the house until I am wide awake and sitting at my desk. Then they quickly hide behind some clouds and leave me alone in my office with a dark house, once again.

I light up my pipe, and pray for my pain to go away. Away...make me young again.

Fall is such a bittersweet season. Beautiful colors, frost warnings, and struggling flowers trying their best to produce just one more bloom before dying. I love the smell of fall especially the smell of a fall marsh.

Soon, all the colors will be hidden under the coming snow. The Little River will be filled with ice flows. The quiet marsh will be awaken with the sounds of ice flows pushing onto the banks of the river and pushing again the tides. 

The fall migration of birds is all around me. Yellow rumped warblers hunt for bugs as they flutter around our deck, and the backyard. Juncos are returned for the fall/winter season. Cormorants are congregating in large groups and are having a grand eating festivals on the Merrimack  River. 
They will be going south soon.
 First snowy owl of the season has been sighted on Plum Island. 

I walk with my camera and catch colors, textures, and shapes. It gives me such pleasure to be out with my camera. My new years resolution will be to fill time with immersing myself into discovery of new and wonderful ways to take photographs, new techniques, and new showing. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

New Blue NB Shoes, great light, and quacking Canada Geese and Spontaneous Camera Shots

Oh my good gracious, new sneakers take my breath away.  New inserts $$$400, and new sneakers. Breathless again. Must thank that young sneaker salesman for understanding my needs. Be quick, acuate, engage with buyer, and smile.

I just hated going to our local Market Basket. Everyone was so faceless. No engaging. Stocking is fast, efficient, and non engaging. Ring up someone's personal choice of food, cleaning products and ice cream...non judgemental. So impersonal. So 21st century.

Go into a clothing store, and look for the salesperson, most of the time, they will be in a far corner engaging in texting their friends, family, all personal manner of things. They are not engaging with a person who they "determine" is not going to buy anything anyway. Total judgemental.
Why bother.

Taking my camera ever where is an old habit of moine. I feel naked without it. I also sometimes take my binoculars and hang them also around my heavy neck.
I love to take spontaneous  photos...they are sometimes the best.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Just Plain Fall Thoughts That Have Fallen Into My Conscience Mind On A Quiet Afternoon.

It is that time to year to clean out all the cob webs around the house, around the garden shed and most importantly inside one's head. 

The smell of autumn leaves drying in the woods, sparks me to think, plan and execute what I will do, accomplish,  and create for the next three month until the end of the year.

Time to plan future trips and adventures. Time to think boldly where one's mind has never been before. 

It is too easy to say, next year, I will travel, go to museums, listen to great jazz and be more social with other human beings. It is way too easy to blow those thoughts away. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the life I am living. I live with a man I fell in love with over 30 years ago. We are growing old together. We live in a home that we build and it is filled with our together memories. 

We are surrounded by a forest on two sides of our home. Animals wander into our yard. Some are welcomed like the birds, and others like the deer consider our yard their food pantry. 

We are both quiet people. We read a lot of books since we retired. I love nonfiction.  We love good movies. I need to limit the number of documentary films that I rent. 

But we are human and human are mortal and we age, get sick, and die. That is the reality. So, some planning is good, and that is what I will do for the next three months.