Sunday, December 31, 2017

Maudsley Outdoor Sculptures With a Few Thoughts to the New Year

Maudsley Outdoor Sculptures
Ancient Tree Art


Spirit Collector

First resolution listen to more jazz and view more art. 
Surround myself with good friends, and good foods.
Exercise, exercise, and exercise.
No Excuses.
Avoid toxic people. 
Draw, dance, and be happy.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Lesson from a guy about women,s lib.

I remember that day very well. I turned on my ipod to a mix of jazz. Eight hours later, the music was still soothing my soul. It also was the day that Alex Trebek lost his job on Jeopardy.  He asked a contestant who was in the military if her job was harder because she was a woman. Ouch. But, really destroy a person who had a very long career and made  one slightly negative comment. Really? Are we getting oversensitive? Are we turning into a nation of whiners? 

I explored my twenties being a liberated, free, human being. I could do anything a male could do. It might take me longer, but, I did it and do it well. I also killed my back, but, that is a subject that should be somewhere else. 

My dear friend Fred in Maine, taught me about moderation. My friends had just bought and moved into an  antique sort of gothic and victorian house located 1/2 up or down -depending on your direction- one of the the largest hills running through the downtown area of a small town  near Augusta. Cars flew up and down that road, but, I digress. 

 They were working cleaning up their backyard of their new home,  So, I asked Fred what I could do to help. He looked me in the eyes, and said "I have just the job for you." He continued "I will load this wheelbarrow  with theses stones here. You will take the filled wheelbarrow down the garden pathway to where the vegetable garden is going to be. " No problem, I could do that. Why not? I was strong and at the time very physically fit. The reality of the situation was that within one quick yankee minute, I had knocked over the wheelbarrow and spilled all the stones on the ground and may I add that all I did was try to lift  the handles. 

Am I equal to men? Not in physical strength. My mind is far superior to many men's brains. That is where strength counts-it is what you have in your memory system. I learned from Fred, that I was not equal to men. However, I learned from myself that I loved the brain that I have cultured for almost 70 years.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The New England Winter Has Finally Arrived.

Early Winter Light Reflects into Joppa Flat Audubon
Sun Setting Early Winter AT Quill Pond
Wind Mill Sunset AT Tender Crop Farm

As we begin the long winter season, we enter a world of grey in New England. We received day after day of darkness and colorless days. White, grey, cold, dark is what New England winters are like.

But, there is a winter light that artists have accented their pictures with for centuries. One only needs to get outside at sunset to find that special short lived winter color. The color reflects on the frozen ponds, highlights the grey clouds into pinks, purples, and gold.

The winter in New England is the quiet season for me. The lawn movers, air blowers, and loud men in spandex are now inside. It is time for quiet reflection, catching up on history books, and sitting in front of a warm winter fire.

I do miss the flowers, the singing birds, and the way the leaves move and dance with the winds during the other seasons. But, this is my season to rest and reflect on a new year coming, and making new plans, and new dreams.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Flowers from Trader Joes
Flowers from my garden and planters.
Selection from one of my many planters.
Today, I want to celebrate flowers. I started taking macro shots of flowers about 20 years ago. I love to highlight their specials colors, details, and shapes. Each flower has evolved over millions of years to attract their pollinators. They do this with smell, shape and color. It is truly a wonder how they developed into the beautiful species we have today.  

In the summer, I can spend hours watching the hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees frolic in my yard. In the winter, I love to buy flowers to brighten up my kitchen. 

I have said it before, but, I need to repeat myself. Nature is my  religion. It is a simple thought but, one worth repeating.

Our weatherman is predicting our first winter storm this week. Let it snow. I look forward to a long walk in the woods. Happy winter everyone.