Friday, November 25, 2016

Floating Home in Essex Behind Farmham's Famous Clam

Day after Thanksgiving 2016 Friday

We had been invited to attend Thanksgiving with my sister and brother in law on this Friday. This Friday, the day after the entire nation celebrates Thanksgiving.

Day late and dollar lost I say. It is the type of invited that I hate to get.
I know that they don't want us around on Thanksgiving and that they are feeling slightly guilty. So, instead, they turn this invite around for us. It will make the driving easier for us- less traffic. Call me a traditionalist but, I can only do Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving day.

It just goes on & on . . . and I am tired of it all. Am I being selfish? No, I hurt and I am tired and I want the house to be quiet so, I can write and try to get out this election depression that is going around. Jack Jackson's Time goes By...listening on the computer to Pandora Radio Jack Jackson's Radio.

I had a long Aveeno Oatmeal Bath in my huge, double insulated bathtub which keep me warm after my skin of my fingers become wrinkle  & I see the future of my hands before me: wrinkled, cocked and old. On my face, I applied a think layer of honey from Trader Joes.  The honey is from Turkey and it is wonderful. It's color is golden yellow and it's taste has a hint of tarragon. It is lusciously thick, gooey, and quickly starts to react to my skin. It slowly will draws out chemicals, dirt and slowly, it will add moisture to my face. Jolly fun time I had.

Kissed my husband good bye and wished him a safe journey taking his almost 94 year old mother down to Cape Cod to have a day late Thanksgiving.

I proceeded to the living room and pulled out my favorite CD blues in the night;
the Johnny Mercer Songbook by Verve. Pulled out the double yoga matt and spread it out in my exercise cove.  My space is the bottom of an L of the living room. It has no doors, but, it has all my plants, cds, and coffee table books on an old & hand made wooden coffee table. It is my go to place. I read in this corner, I stretch here, exercise her, and most importantly meditate here. It is my go to quiet place.
I missed the Friday, Thanksgiving to go to this space. I need a day of quiet for my brain.

John Mayer is singing Free Falling on my computer. Nice touch.